Cutting Toenails is Hard

Toenail cutting is a “must do” task. Trying to avoid it?  Inevitably it has to be done. When did it get so hard? Are your feet just too far away? Do you have a back problem or perhaps too much abdomen? How is your eyesight? Can you see your toenails clearly? Perhaps your hands aren’t as strong enough to cut your nails. Have your nails become hard, or have they changed shape? Have you been cutting your nails correctly? Are you worried about cutting yourself? Are you at risk of infection?  Do you cut the toenails for someone else?  Are you getting it right? Feminine has some suggestions for you to make cutting toenails more effective and manageable.

Toenails of Man and Woman

Toenail Facts

  •                 Toenails are usually 1-3mm thick
  •                 Men’s nails are generally thicker than women’s
  •                 A big toenail takes 12 months to grow from the bottom to the top.
  •                 Little toenails take about 9 months to grow.
  •                 Toenails usually have a gentle curve from left to right and top to bottom.
  •                 Nails grow more slowly when you get older
  •                 Nail growth is slower in winter and if you have poor blood supply to your feet
  •                 Nail growth  may be faster if blood supply to the feet

To cut or to file your toenails?

Cutting toenails is the most common method for managing nail growth. However filing your toenails is a great alternative and completely acceptable

 How long should our toenails be?

Cutting nails too short is a common mistake. Nails only need to be cut:

    • If they are uncomfortable.
    • When they are catching in socks / stockings.
    • When there is more than 3mm of white visible at the top of the toe.

Some people are very comfortable with nails that are longer than this. It really is personal preference. After you have cut or filed your nails there should still have about 1mm of white visible.

How often do I need to care for my toenails?

Filing toenails

A little bit often works best. It might suits you to file them for about a minute every day. Alternatively 5 minutes once a week

Cutting toenails

For most people cutting your nails every 6-8 weeks is effective

How should toenails be cut?

Our consultant Podiatrist recommends always cutting your toenails so you can clearly see the corners of the nail. Cutting your toenails straight across means that the corners of the nail remain clear. If your toenails dig into the sides of the other toes follow the natural line of the toe. Slightly rounding the corners of the nails with a nail file will help stop them digging into the other toes. Resist the temptation to cut down into the side of the nail. Cutting into the sides of the toenails often leaves a little piece of nail behind. That little piece or spike of nail can cause a very nasty ingrown toenail. WATCH OUT…Check that there is no skin caught up in the end of the nail cutters before you close the blades. Cutting small amounts of nail away at a time is a safer method. Do not try to cut the nail in one big clip.

Choosing a nail file:

You can use metal or ceramic files or an emery board. A long wide file with coarse grain will be quicker and easier on thick nails.

Where can I buy a nail file from?

A pharmacy, department or online store will be able to sell you one. Specialty extra long files are available.

Keeping my file clean:

Ideally each person has their own file. If it is a metal file it can be washed in soap and water. Make sure the file dries well or it will rust.

How do I file my toenails?

File downwards, away from your foot, using long strokes. You can round off corners if you like.

What are the best cutting toenails equipment to buy?

The choice includes to clippers, trimmers and scissors. Your selection partly depends on the shape and thickness of the nail you are trying to cut.

Clippers, also known as Nippers

Toenail clippers for cutting toenails

Preferred toenail clippers

  • These are the most appropriate for thicker nails.
  • A good quality pair of nail clippers costs at least $20. Professional Nail clippers cost over $100.
  • Longer Nail clippers are easier to use than short ones. 14 – 15cm is a good length.
  • Clippers with two hinges are easier to use than clippers with one hinge.
  • Clippers with a barrel spring are easier to use than leaf springs
  • 15cm, two hinged, double barrelled spring clippers need to be used with care


toenail trimmer less preferred for cutting toenails

Less preferred toenail trimmers

This style of trimmer, that you use between your thumb and index finger can be quite dangerous when used on toenails It is hard to cut small amounts of nail at a time and nails often break. Using these trimmers it is easy to accidentally cut into the skin by mistake These trimmers are harder to use on thicker nails.


toenail scissors for cutting thin toenails only

Toenail scissors- suitable for very thin nails only

Using scissors to cut adult toenails, generally just doesn’t work. Can be useful on very young children.

The final word in Toenail cutting and care tips

  • Use the right file or nippers for the task.
  • Nail care is best performed on freshly washed feet.
  • Make sure you have plenty of lighting.
  • Find the easiest position for you to reach your feet.

You see, toenails are not so hard after all